PostgreSQL on Azure vs. Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

June 01, 2022

PostgreSQL on Azure vs. Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

Welcome to our comparison report of PostgreSQL on Azure and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, the two most popular cloud-based database services for PostgreSQL. We will give you a fair, unbiased comparison of these cloud-based database services in terms of cloud architecture, performance, pricing, and features.

Cloud Architecture

Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) have different cloud architectures, but they both provide a fully managed platform as a service (PaaS) with PostgreSQL. Azure deploys its PostgreSQL on virtual machines (VMs), which can make it less flexible in scaling compared to AWS RDS, which uses a shared underlying infrastructure, making it more cost-efficient and elastic.


Azure PostgreSQL provides a slightly better performance in terms of query latency than AWS RDS PostgreSQL. The throughput of Azure PostgreSQL is also better. However, the differences are minimal, and it may vary depending on your workload.


AWS RDS for PostgreSQL is slightly cheaper than Azure PostgreSQL. On average, AWS RDS provides savings of around 20% - 30% for smaller deployments, while Azure PostgreSQL provides better pricing options for larger and more complex deployments, making it a more cost-effective solution in the long run.


Both services provide managed PostgreSQL databases with great features such as automatic backups, monitoring, and scalability. Azure PostgreSQL has better interoperability with other Azure services and offers more deployment options. AWS RDS provides a wider range of PostgreSQL versions, making it a better option for those who have specific database requirements.


In conclusion, both Azure PostgreSQL and AWS RDS PostgreSQL provide top-tier cloud-based PostgreSQL hosting solutions. Which one to choose depends on your particular needs and budget. If you are a Microsoft shop looking to take advantages of Azure's enterprise features or if you're looking for better performance with a slightly higher price point, Azure PostgreSQL might be your solution. On the other hand, if your organization is more of an AWS shop, or you seek a more flexible, cost-efficient option, then AWS RDS PostgreSQL is the way to go.

We hope this comparison report provided you with the information you needed to make an informed decision.


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